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Tour zum verschleierten Christus und Chiostro di Santa Chiara

Kostenlose Stornierung
Sprachen: Italienisch
Digitale Tickets
Dauer: 2 Stunden 30 Minuten
  • Entdecken Sie alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt, darunter die Piazza St. Gaetano und die Kathedrale des Heiligen Gennaro
  • Bewundern Sie die Statue des verschleierten Christus in der Sansevero-Kapelle
  • Genießen Sie einen Rundgang entlang des wunderschönen Spaccanapoli
  • Tauchen Sie ein in den Kreuzgang von Santa Chiara, wo eine ruhige Atmosphäre auf lebendige Majolika-Meisterwerke trifft

Neapel ist eine einzigartige Mischung aus Farben und Düften. Lassen Sie sich von der Herzlichkeit seiner Menschen und den Geräuschen seines täglichen Lebens verzaubern! Beginnen Sie Ihre Reise an der Piazza del Gesù, einem der berühmtesten Plätze der Stadt, nur einen Steinwurf vom historischen Zentrum entfernt. Ihr erstes Ziel ist das ruhige Chiostro di Santa Chiara (falls diese Option ausgewählt wurde), wo Sie von seinen historischen Majolikafliesen fasziniert sein werden und einen ruhigen Rückzugsort inmitten des Trubels der Stadt bieten.

Machen Sie einen gemütlichen Spaziergang durch Spaccanapoli, die lange und schmale Straße, die die Altstadt in zwei perfekte Hälften teilt. Bewundern Sie den Platz San Domenico Maggiore und erleben Sie die harmonische Mischung architektonischer Stile. Anschließend begeben Sie sich zur Kapelle Sansevero, in der sich Giuseppe Sanmartinos atemberaubende Cristo Velato-Skulptur befindet.

Machen Sie eine Pause, um die berühmte Statue des Gottes des Nils zu besichtigen, und nehmen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit, um einen typisch neapolitanischen Kaffee in einer der renommierten Bars im Stadtzentrum zu genießen. Erkunden Sie die Piazza St. Gaetano, den ältesten Platz der Stadt, der sich auf dem Gelände befindet, auf dem sich einst die griechische Agora und später das römische Forum befanden.

Beenden Sie Ihre Tour mit einem Besuch der Kirchen San Lorenzo und San Paolo Maggiore und bestaunen Sie die barocke Kathedrale San Gennaro aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. Diese Kathedrale, das Herz des neapolitanischen Glaubens, verkörpert den Geist und die Widerstandsfähigkeit Neapels.

Mehr erfahren
  • check Eintrittsgebühr für die Sansevero-Kapelle
  • check Eintrittsgebühr für das Kloster Santa Chiara (nur bei ausgewählter Option)
  • check Führung

Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, 80134 Neapel NA, Italien

Vor dem roten Gebäude der Tourist-Information.
Wichtige Informationen
  • Der Reiseverlauf kann aufgrund der Schließung einiger Kirchen an bestimmten Tagen oder zu bestimmten Zeiten im Jahr geringfügigen Abweichungen unterliegen
  • Da maximal 30 Personen gleichzeitig die Sansevero-Kapelle betreten können, müssen Sie möglicherweise in der Schlange stehen
  • Das Betreten der Kirche mit nackten Schultern, Miniröcken oder sehr kurzen Shorts ist nicht gestattet. Bitte kleiden Sie sich entsprechend
  • Es wird empfohlen, bequeme Schuhe zu tragen
Mehr erfahren
Es fallen keine zusätzlichen Gebühren im Falle einer Buchung an.
Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 100%, wenn Sie bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren.

Was andere Leute über dieses Erlebnis sagen


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Viagem de um dia por Pompeia e Nápoles saindo de Roma

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Nat Geo Day Tour: A Taste of Tramonti, Pizza Making and Wine Tasting
Excursões e passeios de um dia

Nat Geo Day Tour: A Taste of Tramonti, Pizza Making and Wine Tasting

Discover the treasures of Tramonti on this National Geographic Day Tour. The day starts with a scenic ride along the Bay of Naples, under the watchful eye of Mount Vesuvius, leading through Monte Lattari and Valle dei Chiunzi, where the small hamlets of Tramonti await. The world owes its love of pizza to the ancestors of today's residents of Tramonti — it's thanks to them that pizzerias have spread across the globe. Your National Geographic-trained guide will share tales of local culture and history as you weave along the scenic roads towards your first destination. Perched high above the Amalfi Coast, Tramonti beckons with lemon orchards, chestnut trees, and terraced vineyards. Your first stop is the garden of Acarbio, a visionary association committed to reuniting people with tradition and nature that has been promoting the Amalfi Coast's candidature to become a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Here, you'll enjoy a refreshment while discovering some of the ongoing projects, including the revival of the historical Rè Fiascone tomato, an almost-extinct key ingredient for pizza making. It's hard not to be inspired by this dynamic association, and their dedication to preserving the Amalfi Coast's rural heritage and hidden biodiversity, focusing on reviving local agriculture and endangered species. From there, you'll travel to a family-run vineyard, nestled among Tramonti's terraced slopes. Stroll amidst some of Europe's ancient vines, uncovering the secrets to their remarkable resilience. Then, treat your palate to an exquisite wine tasting, savoring the rich flavors of Amalfi Coast wines. The last stop of the tour is a local Agritourism venue, in their rural restaurant, for a hands-on pizza-making workshop led by a skilled pizza chef, who'll guide you through the art of crafting traditional pizzas. The president of the Tramonti Pizzaioli Association — an important national association of around 2000 pizza chefs — will shed light on Tramonti's pivotal role in global pizza history. Finally, relish your culinary creations during a delectable lunch.

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Tour Guiado
Nat Geo Day Tour: The History of Pasta
Excursões e passeios de um dia

Nat Geo Day Tour: The History of Pasta

Discover the essence of Gragnano on this National Geographic-exclusive pasta tour, starting with a scenic bus ride along the Bay of Naples under the watchful eye of Mount Vesuvius. Your National Geographic-trained guide will give you an insight into Campanian culture as you soak up the views.Your first stop is the Valley of the Mills, a ravine on the slopes between Sorrento, Naples and the Amalfi Coast. Here, a local volunteer historian and retired miller, dedicated to the restoration of the site, will reveal the fascinating engineering behind the series of mills, of which two will be exclusively opened for travelers on this tour.Enjoy a leisurely walk through the landscape before heading to a renowned pasta factory with deep-rooted traditions. Be amazed by the creativity of chief pasta maker, Antonino Moccia, and the factory's 140 different shapes of pasta. Accompanied by the factory's owner, you'll embark on a tour of the museum, hearing stories that have shaped this industry over the centuries. You'll learn about one of the oldest pasta-making families of the area, an ancestry that is partly responsible for pasta's transatlantic journey to the United States in the late 1800's.Next, it's time to roll up your sleeves at an interactive pasta-making session, with Nonna Giuseppina on hand to guide you as you knead. Finally, indulge in a pasta lunch featuring ingredients sourced from the factory's garden, a true farm-to-table experience and a rewarding way to end the tour.

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Taxas De Entrada Incluídas
Nat Geo Day Tour: Spartacus' World at Ancient Capua
Excursões e passeios de um dia

Nat Geo Day Tour: Spartacus' World at Ancient Capua

Boasting a strategic location on the Via Appia, Ancient Capua was a hugely important city since its foundation in the 5th century BCE. Your journey begins at the Arena of Spartacus, the ancient amphitheater in Capua. Second in size only to Rome's Colosseum, this amphitheater is older, better preserved, and less crowded. Join your guide, a specialist in Roman archaeology, to tour the home of the Gladiator school of Ancient Rome where the legendary gladiator Spartacus made his daring escape and ignited his revolt against Roman slavery.Upon leaving the army, Spartacus was sold into slavery. He was ordered to go to Capua to enroll in Gladiator training school, where he rebelled against his enslavement and managed to escape alongside several other trainee gladiators. He became the leader of the growing group of escaped slaves who were ready to fight for freedom and autonomy. Against the odds, Spartacus and his rebel army resisted Roman attempts to overpower them, becoming a symbol of resistance against oppression.As you explore the amphitheater's ‘hypogeum' or underground area, you'll feel like you have a backstage pass to the gladiator shows of days past. The areas here are far better preserved than those found at the Colosseum of Rome. You'll then visit what is known as the 'gladiator's room,' off limits to other visitors. Still being studied, specialist archeologists are still trying to understand the room's original purpose.An augmented reality experience, exclusive to National Geographic travelers, will bring to life the experience of being Spartacus 2000 years ago, complete with reconstructions of the original amphitheater from the perspective of both the spectators and the gladiators. Step into the shoes of Spartacus, and feel the pulse of Ancient Rome.After your tour, relax over a lunch lovingly prepared with local organic produce by owners who take pride in maintaining their historic surroundings. The restaurant is conveniently located on the perimeter of the archeological site.

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Taxas De Entrada Incluídas
Nat Geo Day Tour: Gragnano, the Epicenter of Dried Pasta Production
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Nat Geo Day Tour: Gragnano, the Epicenter of Dried Pasta Production

Embark on an unforgettable adventure through Gragnano, the epicenter of dried pasta production. The tour starts with a picturesque bus ride along the Bay of Naples, offering panoramic views dominated by the presence of Mount Vesuvius. Throughout the day, your National Geographic-trained guide will provide intriguing insights into Campanian culture. Your first destination is the idyllic Valley of the Mills, nestled between the towns of Sorrento, Naples and the Amalfi Coast. Here, you'll have the rare privilege of exploring the historical site, together with a local historian & retired miller who is dedicated to this important restoration project. He will explain in detail the ingenious engineering that powered the mills, a captivating revelation exclusively reserved for National Geographic travelers. As you take a leisurely stroll through this lush landscape, you can connect with the natural beauty that has inspired generations. The next stop is a renowned pasta factory with deep-rooted traditions. Prepare to be amazed by the creativity of chief pasta maker, Antonino Moccia, and the factory's 140 different shapes of pasta, some of which are patented. Accompanied by the factory's owner, you'll embark on a tour of the museum, hearing intimate stories that have shaped this industry over the centuries.Don your apron and go backstage to the production area to see the pasta-making process step by step, gaining a deeper appreciation for the artistry and precision that goes into crafting each piece of pasta. You'll discover the meticulous packaging techniques that ensure the final product reaches homes around the world in pristine condition. As a delightful conclusion to your immersive experience, savour the culmination of this intricate process by indulging in a plate of gragnese pasta, allowing the rich flavours and unique texture to transport you to the heart of Italian culinary tradition.

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Confirmação Instantânea
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Atrações e visitas guiadas

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kostenlose Stornierung
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en, it 

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en, it, fr, es 

Tour privado de 2 horas por Herculano
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Ônibus hop-on hop-off de Nápoles com bilhetes de 24 horas

Ônibus hop-on hop-off de Nápoles com bilhetes de 24 horas

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en, it, fr, es, de, +3  ru, ja, zh