Explore Nuremberg and Fürth with the Nuremberg Card + Fürth and save time and money. The card is valid for 48 hours.
Book the Nuremberg Card and travel free on all public transport services (Subway, tram, bus, rapid transit) within the entire region of Nuremberg, Fürth and Stein (Zone A).
Enjoy a one-time free admission to more than 30 museums and attractions in both cities and 50 % discount on activities from participating partners, such as: Imperial Castle, Nuremberg Zoo, DB Railway Museum, Deutsches Museum Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Neues Museum, Toy Museum, Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds, towerofthesenses, Bratwurst Museum and many more.
In addition, you will receive €1 discount at the Playmobil FunPark.