Bodrum Airport VIP Lounge & Service for Bodrum hotels

Bodrum Airport VIP Lounge & Service for Bodrum hotels

Cancellazione gratuita
È necessario stampare il voucher
Durata: fino a 2 ore
Cosa farai
  • Meet and greet service and assistance
  • VIP lounge access with hot and cold snacks and drinks
  • Free Wi-Fi and kids' corner
Cosa aspettarsi

Enjoy a more relaxed way to end your holiday with the Bodrum Airport VIP Lounge. You'll have up to two hours to enjoy all-inclusive hot and cold snacks, drinks and Wi-Fi. This will help ensure you'll keep the post-holiday blues at bay until the very last moment.

On arrival at Bodrum Airport, you'll be greeted and assisted with check-in, security clearance and passport control. Then, once you're in departures, you'll be able to take advantage of the VIP lounge.

Make use of the free Wi-Fi and let the children play in the kids' corner – it's a great way to pass the time before your flight. What's more, depending on the time of day, there's breakfast, hot and cold starters, or soup, bread and salads. And with a selection of drinks available too, you're sure to feel those holiday vibes until the moment you take off.

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Use of VIP Lounge and its amenities
  • check Buffet
  • check Open bar serving locally branded drinks
  • check Coffee or tea
  • check Soft drinks
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Ricevi un rimborso del 100% annullando la prenotazione fino a 1 giorno prima dell'inizio dell'attività.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza


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